28. February 2015 06:36
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Explored some caves and went for a swim at a local Cenote.....
Cenote Caracol....

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Explored some caves and went for a swim at a local Cenote.....
Cenote Caracol....

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13. August 2014 06:56
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Headed north for a week to take care of our trailer.
Spent a few days in Brownsville, Texas.
Headed back through Peubla, MX, Vera Cruz, MX, Boca Del Rio, MX, Oaxaca, MX and Chetumal.
Stopped for two nights in Oaxaca and one night each in Poco Riza and Chetumal.
2200 KM up to Texas and 3000 km back with the side trip to Oaxaca.
Highlight of the trip was spotting a Jaguar on the road. It ran across the road about 50 feet in front of our car. Pretty rare sighting!
Great trip!
Enjoy the pictures.
Majahual....Cruise ship port......
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New Palm trees planted....
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18. May 2014 05:18
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Back on line after a few busy months.
lost my laptop so have not been able to do updates For a while.
Casitas are now finished. We moved in on April 15th. Kitchen section of main house is now underway.. Pace will be a bit slower now that we have a roof over our head and we can relax a bit. Living with an outdoor kitchen for now and eating mostly under the sky.
Birds continue to be abundant with so many varieties. and the beach is as always.......breathtaking.
We have started painting outside....see pics....
weather has been absolutely perfect. A few rainy days here and there and a couple of unbearably hot nights but otherwise amazing. Still quite comfortable without airconditioning....and we are now into one of the hotter months.
Enjoy the pictures.....

The beach..........

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23. March 2014 17:33
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Back on line after a few hectic days.
poured the casita roof today....now plastering and finishing starts.

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Block work is about 75% complete. Roof materials arriving on Monday. Roof work will likely start on Tuesday. In a little over a week we should have a roof on.
Well was drilled on Thursday. 2 meters of water at 20.8 Meters down. Now the amateur plumbers will have to figure out how to get the water to the surface....learning new skills everyday.
Looks like the guy sitting down on the right is having a rough day.....He needs more beach time!


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12. March 2014 14:44
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Walls underway. Electrical rough-in done. Ordering roof materials this weekend.

WCB Guy on the right in red T-shirt....

Concrete pump & Crane.....

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Casita foundation now about 95% complete. Foundation should be done on Monday. Electrical rough-in at about 75%. Plumbing started. Block work starts on Monday or Tuesday so we should have walls by end of week.
Moving along nicely.

Of course we still have time for the beach at the end of the day!

Some more unwanted wildlife.....Some things just shouldn't be allowed on the beach in public!!!!!

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Started work on casita yesterday. Foundation is about 50% complete. Temporary water onsite. we should have the final hookup for town water this week sometime.
Birds on the jobsite:

The jobsite

Excavation....the white is solid limestone..

Foundation for the casita...Mexican style.....

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